Freshwater Fish
Compressiceps Cichlid Profile Guide
Bolivian Ram Fish Care Guide
Discus Fish Care Guide: Diet, Tank mates
Harlequin Rasboras Care Sheet
White Cloud Mountain Minnow Care Sheet
Bristlenose Pleco Care Guide
The Bristlenose Pleco is without a doubt one of, if not the most, popular Plecos…
Yoyo Loach Care Sheet – Feeding, Diet, Tankmates, Breeding
The Yoyo Loach fish is an elegant and beautiful fish that is also commonly referred…
Panda Corydoras Care Guide – Diet, Tankmates, Breeding
The panda corydoras catfish is an amazingly cute little fish that can be kept as…
Red Tail Catfish Care Guide – Food, Behaviour, Teeth & Tankmates
The red tail catfish are an amazing species of fish; they add an outstanding view…
Can a Rainbow Shark Live in a 20 Gallon Tank?
Can Silver Arowana Fish Change Colors?
Can Betta Fish See in the Dark?
Why is my Bloodfin Tetra Swimming Upside Down?
What Fish Can You Put With Axolotls?
So, Can you really mix Axolotls?Honestly, when I first saw these bad boys, I wondered…