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What Fish Can You Put With Axolotls?

So, Can you really mix Axolotls?

Honestly, when I first saw these bad boys, I wondered what they were, they are fascinating actually, lets dig deeper...

Before one thinks of acquiring an axolotl, the first thought that usually comes to mind is whether it can coexist harmoniously with other fish, such as Bloodfin Tetra's, and if so, which type of fish. So, what fish can you put with axolotls?

Stick with us, for this article will attempt to enlighten you quite a bit on that matter. Most people don't even know this type of animal exists let alone understand how these animals behave around other aquatic pet animals.

In any case, mixing an axolotl with anything else can sometimes prove to be a very difficult thing to accomplish and that could be because of several reasons. For starters, these animals have been known to devour just about everything you put in their line of sight, however, they are some exceptions.

The exception to this general rule is, the only way the axolotl won't try to eat the other animals around it in the tank is if they're too big to swallow or if they happen to be much quicker than they are.

Although, this usually doesn't mean that the axolotl won't try. They practically eat anything, some have even been known to ingest too much gravel which in turn results in their death. So, if gravel is game you can imagine what they'd do to another fish.

Truth is, you are usually not advised to mix your axolotl with other fish. Not even with its own kind. They are normally quite predatory in nature, and since to them anything is food, they'll probably try to eat anything and everything living around them in the tank.

And this can work the other way around as well because some fish could might try nibbling at your axolotl's gills confusing them for worms, which will end up injuring your axolotl.

So, while you may think to have them all in one fish tank will make it look amazing, we're certain you definitely wouldn't want constant fighting in your aquarium.

Having More Than One Axolotl in One Tank

Axolotls are not very social aquatic animals and rarely require company in a fish tank. Axolotls when still young and measure less than three to four inches in length happen to be cannibalistic.

If your intention is to get more than one juvenile or baby you might have to house them in separate tanks. If not, they'll probably injure or even kill each other.

An aquarium divider is an excellent solution if you don't want them to be housed separately.

If you're dead set on having more than one axolotl living in the same tank, then you must remember that this can only be somewhat of a good idea if both axolotls are adults and are of similar length and size.

This aquatic animal is a very curious nibbler and as we mentioned earlier, most things they find inside the tank that can fit in their mouth, they'll certainly try to eat.

Having axolotls that don't share a similar size in one tank could mean the loss of limbs, accidental nibbling or in worst case scenarios, outright cannibalism. To avoid this you must ensure they are both always well fed and when feeding them make sure they're each on opposite sides of the fish tank.

What Fish Can You Put With Axolotls?

There's also a helpful and simple formula for knowing how much room you'll need to house your axolotls comfortably in one tank together. For every additional axolotl, ensure your aquarium also has an additional foot.

For example, a twenty-four inch fish tank for one axolotl, thirty-six inch tank for two axolotls and forty-eight inch tank for three axolotls, and so on and so forth. But of course, always keep in mind that the bigger the tank the better.

Can You Mix Axolotl with Plecostomus?

Mixing plecostomus and axolotls together in one tank can cause several problems. For starters, space. An adult axolotl will grow up to around twelve to fourteen inches long.

The common adult plecos, when full grown, will grow up to about two feet long. You'd need a very big aquarium to house them comfortably.

Another problem will be the temperature differences required by both types of salamander. The axolotl is naturally a cold-water type of aquatic animal, while most aquatic pets happen to be more of tropical, warm-water type animal.

The axolotl's temperature range required to keep them healthy is sixteen to eighteen degrees Celsius while plecos need a temperature of around twenty-three to twenty-eight degrees Celsius to exist comfortably.

The last thing is that both plecos and axolotl are aquatic salamanders that will eat literally anything they can get their hands, or rather mouth, on.

Basically, they both like chewing on everything. Plecos are commonly known to suck off slime coating on fish which inevitably gets them ill. And just like many other fish would do, they'd most likely nibble on the gills of the axolotl confusing them for delicious worms as well.

What is the best temperature for axolotls?

Maintaining the correct heat is essential if you want to keep your axolotl healthy. As was mentioned earlier in the previous subtopic, the ideal temperature for your axolotl should range from around sixteen to eighteen degrees Celsius. 

You don't usually need a heater for your tank for you to ensure it stays at the correct temperature. The temperatures we just highlighted are basically room temperature levels, that's why having a tank heater isn't really that necessary.

However, if you happen to live in a location where you experience extreme cold or heat, then you might need to consider keeping a heater or air conditioner handy during some of those months.

An axolotl that has been exposed to temperatures above twenty-three degrees Celsius will normally develop heat stress. If your fish tank has overheating problems, you may need to acquire a tank cooler to be on the safe side.

What Food Do Axolotl Eat?

It's very important you ensure your axolotl keeps a proper diet. You can get them frozen blood-worms and night-crawlers which usually readily available at any local pet store. 

These two options are practically what your axolotl's staple diet should be. For the occasional treat meal once in a while, you can feed them small bits of chicken or frozen shrimp.

Extravagant yes, but hey, It's a member of the family so it deserves the best once in awhile, doesn't it?

Anyway, what we're initially trying to convey to you is you should try and avoid live food. Feed it every other day for roughly half an hour each feeding session. 

In that half hour time frame try as much as possible to provide enough food for it to eat during the feeding session time frame. Do this as the regular feeding routine for your axolotl.

What Food Do Axolotl Eat

What is the Best Tank Size?

A forty Litre or ten gallon fish tank should be sufficient if you want to keep one axolotl. However, when it comes to this, the general rule is that bigger is always the better option.

Your best bet would be to buy the biggest fish tank or aquarium that can comfortably fit your house. The ideal fish tank size for a singular axolotl should measure about eighty litres or twenty gallons.

Fill the tank completely with water just the way you would if you had regular fish. Conditioning tap water like the way it's done with freshwater fish tanks should make it safe to use for your axolotl.

If you avoid conditioning the water, chlorine as well as several other chemicals found in the water may harm and sometimes even kill your pet aquatic salamander.

At all times, always keep your aquarium covered with a lid. An axolotl may sometimes try to jump out of its tank.

What is the Best Lighting?

The best lighting when axolotl is concerned is to keep it minimal. This type of aquatic animal doesn't require as much light as regular fish would which means you will not have to fit the aquarium with too much light.

Providing excessive bright lighting will sometimes make your axolotl feel a little distressed. So, try using plant lights if you intend to add any lighting to the aquarium at all.

They barely need any lighting at all to thrive and stay healthy. The only purpose for adding lighting to an axolotl's aquarium would be so that people can see the salamander.

Try as much as possible to minimize how often you're keeping the aquarium lights on. Lights usually generate extra heat and this can prove harmful to your pet axolotl. When you're not viewing or feeding your aquatic pet, your best bet would be to keep the lights off to ensure its good health.

Is a Filtration System Required?

It is very important you install in your axolotl's aquarium an external canister filter. If you want to keep the water in your aquarium fresh, healthy and clean then you'll definitely need to ensure that you've installed an external canister filter.

This type of filter will most likely be available at any one of the local pet stores that are sure to be around you.

The filter you choose to fit in should contain a spray bar or any other simple outlet that is used to control water flow.

While this type of aquatic salamander requires a subtle water flow, they're normally a little stressed out by water that's actively flowing. Exposing them to water flow that's considerably strong may cause your axolotl to stop feeding properly as well as cause them to develop health complications that happen to be stress related.

One thing that is usually overlooked is the provision of substrate. This is material that is used to line the bottom of a fish tank or aquarium. They're most often used for their aesthetic value.

These are usually big fish tank pebbles but in the case axolotl, you should make sure the pebbles lined at the bottom of its tank are larger than its head. This will ensure your pet doesn't try and eat the pebbles. Avoid using rough sand or small pellets.

What are the best decorations for the tank?

For your pet axolotl to feel completely secure in its aquarium, they would need to have a few hides. The general rule when it comes to this is at least 2 hides for every one axolotl.

PVC pipes, regular aquarium ornaments and terracotta pot plants are just but a few examples of the hides you can provide your axolotl with. Plus, these options we've mentioned are all things that will provide a positive aesthetic effect to your aquarium, while at the same time being safe and healthy for your aquatic pet.

As for regular plants, is live or fake better? The fact that this type of aquatic salamander happens to be extremely destructive by nature will mean that they will most likely tend to tear up plants that are alive.

And anyway, the fact that plants need light to survive will mean that a live plant will probably not do too well in the axolotl's environment. This is because they themselves barely require any light to stay fit and healthy.

Low light plants might work, as well as Java, however, your best bet would be to use moss. The fact that they generally aren't planted makes them perfect for such a situation. Although, if you want to avoid all this grief and stress on what is better, just use fake plants.

What different types of colours are there for axolotls?

Chromatophores, which are pigment cells found in axolotl are what will determine its colour. When you break it down further, the melanophores cells produce the blackish brown pigment, xanthophores cells produce the reddish yellow pigment and iridophores cells impart the shiny texture on all the colours produced. 

The different colour variants of your average axolotl are wild-type, albino (which includes golden albino), melanoid, white and copper. These are all the colours they mostly grow into.


This type of aquatic salamander actually makes for a very interesting pet to have. It does not require too much of your time and attention and is something that's an eye-catcher. It makes for something really nice to show off to your guests.


Hey, thanks for passing by, welcome to the blog for Pet Fish fans. This is me, Wayne, and my son Theo. I started this journey after we bought him hist first Fish Tank of fish. Follow my site for my research and info on Pet Fish.